Safety is everybody's business
"Safety First on the Forecourt"

Did you know that 80% of all accidents are caused by human error?
So how many of your staff working on the forecourt can talk with any confidence about interceptor systems, flashpoints or what steps to take if there is a spillage? Would they know what to do if someone rushed into the shop claiming they had accidentally swallowed petrol or splashed petrol in their eyes? And while were on the subject, what's the role of an Environmental Health / Petroleum Officer? And what actually is competent?

The new 4Court training course " Safety First on the Forecourt" will help your employee's answer all these questions and more. Designed to be used as an induction for new starts it also provides ongoing refresher training for all your staff working on the forecourt.

Course content includes H&S law,good housekeeping, fire precautions, sources of ignition, flash point, forecourt hazards, reporting accidents, site interceptors, minor and major spills, COSHH, manual handling, contractors and forecourt emergency procedures.

The course will encourage staff to adopt a pro-active approach to safe working whilst providing evidence and auditable records for the Enforcement Authorities of compliance with good practice and current legal requirements


Course certification can either be in-house or external (for example IOSH).

To get more information on keeping your business Legal and the people who work in it Safe please contact us click here.

Robert Swan
Swan Multimedia Ltd

phone: 01332881209

Clean Site

Litter picking

Safe Site

Click Here

Fire Hazards


No ignition source

Click Here

Site Incidents

men colliding

Avoid accidents

Click Here

Fuel Delivery


Slips,trips & falls

Click Here

Dress for Danger

Driver ppe


Click Here


clean tank

Check SSOW

Click Here